VMP Covergirl - Jill Kane

Confident woman over 50 with flowing hair and black and white suit

This week’s VMP Covergirl is……. JILL KANE!

If you love all things organization and making your home just "work" for you, you’ll love Jill. She’s the owner of The Ordered Home and has a great youtube channel with helpful tips.

So we not only got to celebrate her gorgeous over-50 self, we snuck in a couple of shots she could use for her branding for her new launch and had tons of fun in the process!

She says that the “the day I turned 50 was only another day. The years revolving around this day was a transition for me. I will always feel young at heart though.”

She proclaims (and we agree) that “50 is just a number. Your heart and soul tell your age“ and her advice to others is “don't sweat the small stuff, but be grateful for the little things in life” and would tell her younger self to “be more independent and spend more time traveling.

Since turning 50, she doesn’t dwell on negative things and values time more and doesn’t let little things get to her. She says I “appreciate the wisdom that has come from the experiences I have had. I hope that I can pass some of that on to others.”

Her female role models in her life “were older women from both sides of my family. It is interesting to see that I am a part of every one of those women and they all contributed to my growth as an adult.”

She and her husband plan to move downtown in a few years and is looking forward to being more involved through work or personal projects and spending time traveling.

Congratulations Jill!


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