VMP Covergirl - Susan Hougelman

This week’s VMP Covergirl is……Susan Hougelman!

Happy smiling woman over 50 who overcame health struggles and lost 60lbs

This week’s VMP Covergirl is…… Susan Hougelman!!

I loved getting to work with Susan - she’s got that infectious positive spirit. Her portrait session was to celebrate not only her, but also her accomplishments in her business and health. She’s a serial entrepreneur and author of the new book Inside the Simple Life, with many more ideas for projects in the future. She’s currently doing what she loves, leading tours in Amish country with her company Simple Life Tours.

Did you have any older female role models when you were younger?

I can't say that I had any female role models that I was drawn to, but I do remember in sixth grade I was invited to be a brand new program called "The gifted program"   There was a beautiful female teacher named Ms. Toth, who led the gifted students, and one of the first projects Ms. Toth had us participate in was learning new vocabulary words.  One of the first words she taught us, was Entrepreneur.  I had never heard that word before. Ms. Toth taught us the spelling and the meaning of Entrepreneur.  "A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses.

It was the most beautiful word that I had ever heard. My 12 year old self repeated the word aloud "Entrepreneur"  and then said, "Ms. Toth,  One day I'm going to be an Entrepreneur!"   And that's exactly what I grew up to be!

How did you mark turning 50? How did that feel to you?

My 25th wedding anniversary was just two days after my 50th birthday. To celebrate both my husband took me out to dinner at our favorite restaurant.  We were met by my children (Which was a surprise).  After dinner, my husband stood up and told the children how important marriage is and having God as the head of your marriage. He told the children how hard we've worked to keep our marriage strong. He told them how much he loved me, and how proud he was of me. Then he presented me with a beautiful new diamond ring and said, "The first one was given when i didn't have much money. That was for the first 25 years. This one is for the next 25 and beyond."   That's what I remember most about my 50th birthday.  My family made me feel so loved!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don't worry about accomplishing all your dreams while you are young. I didn't start working until my children were in middle school. I didn't buy my first restaurant until I was 40. I didn't start my tour business until I was 47. I didn't write my first book until I was 56, but I did raise two amazing daughters in my 20's and 30's and that is a greater success to me than all other accomplishments combined! It's never to late to make your dreams come true. Sometimes it's better to wait until you are more mature and have more wisdom!

Do you feel like you've changed since you've turned 50? Example: have your values or your perception of being attractive changed?

I've always felt that beauty comes from within and when you focus on being kind and loving, generous and giving, that is what makes you attractive.  I feel so loved by God, that I've never been insecure or worried about my physical appearance.  I've only tried to impress Him and He doesn't care about what I look like on the outside. So perhaps I'm more beautiful at 57 then I've ever been before!

What positives have come from being over 50?

Wisdom. Experience. Patience. Self-control. More time and money to do the things you love and be with the people you choose to be with.  Not worrying about what the world thinks of you, or comparing yourself to others.

Do you have any goals or projects you're working on? What dreams do you have for the future?

I am working on two more books! I'm part of a group of people that want to bring a revival to our community.  I am hoping to start a new online business selling Amish goods and services and I LOVE being a Grandma and being a part of my adult children and grandchildren's lives!

What is your best advice for other women who are coming up on turning 50? What do you 'know' now.

Take the focus off of yourself and be the woman God has destined you to be! What is your purpose and plan for the next 30-or 40 years? God isn't done with you by a long shot! What does He want you to accomplish?  When you do what God has for your life, your life becomes so meaningful and so full of purpose and it brings joy to your life like you've never known. My mother is 80 years old and physically can not do much, but she sends cards.  She finds people in need or celebrating something or that are ill, and she writes a note and sends them a card. What a wonderful ministry she has. I'm too busy to send cards and notes, but that's the gift God has given her!

How would you like people to describe you or see you? What do you most want people to remember about you?

I once asked my daughter, what my legacy would be. I've accomplished a lot in my life so far and I am so proud of those accomplishments. I want my children to be proud of me and remember me for being successful. But Lauren, my youngest daughter said, "Mom, we are proud of you for all you've done, but that's not what we will remember you for.  We will remember how much you loved us. How you spent time with us. How good and kind you were to us." That's what we will remember most about you mom".

That was so profound to me and it really made me focus on what is most important in life.

Why are beautiful photos important to you right now?

Photographs are so important.  They are memories when people are no longer with us.   I'm usually the one behind the camera capturing special memories for my family so I want at least one good photograph that my daughters and granddaughters will look at and say, "This was my Mom. This was my Grandmother."

Congratulations Susan!!

You can find more information about the 50over50 Project here. There are just 2 spots left! Stay tuned for information about our exhibition event November 10th!


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