VMP Covergirl - Laura Teufel

This week’s VMP Covergirl is……Laura Teufel!

Magazine cover featuring Laura Teufel, who is part of Villa Montarti's 50over50 Project, photographing 50 dynamic women in the Pittsburgh area

Laura is a market research consultant with 360 Intelligent Marketing, and owns/manages a law office building at Law Office Spaces Mt. Lebanon.

I feel like I’ve known Laura forever - at least since our kids were little and our oldest girls were in Girl Scouts, but probably before that. She always has a smile and when I launched this project she jumped right in and was a natural fit

Did you have any older female role models when you were younger?

My older female role model is certainly my mother, who I have been very close with as a young adult and adult. Today, we talk nearly every day and share life together.

How did you mark turning 50? How did that feel to you?

My close friends and I are planning a ladies only cruise in summer 2021 to celebrate the group of us turning 50! I love being able to look forward to this commemorative trip. I love travel.

Would you go back to being 25 again?

No. I appreciate the 21 years of marriage, the two kids, and life that I have.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would have started on the healthier habits that I have formed as I aged. In particular, eating habits and diet. Our family has been plant based for several years now, and this way of eating really agrees with my body.

Do you feel like you've changed since you've turned 50?

No significant changes to speak of. As I age, I see most of the transformative changes in my two girls, age 14 and 17, who are growing and maturing into young ladies.

Have your perceptions of what being ‘attractive’ means changed over time?

I recently hosted a Girl Scout retreat for my middle school troop called Free Being Me, that focused on teaching youth about beauty and body confidence. It was enlightening to help teenage girls learn about myths our society holds about beauty and how they can love their bodies and help others too.

Do you have any goals or projects you're working on? What dreams do you have for the future?

I've been working downtown for three years and have been impacted by the homeless community, by just walking around the streets. I am looking for ways to help this community.

What is your best advice for other women who are coming up on turning 50? What do you 'know' now?

Relax. Smile. Show your true beauty.

How would you like people to describe you or see you? What do you most want people to remember about you?

I would describe myself as a good planner and organizer. I like to plan the future, understand what options are available and choose my favorite path.

Why are beautiful photos important to you right now?

Because I have few photos of myself. I am always the one behind the camera, taking photos of my familly, friends, and life. I really like the idea of commemorating this milestone point in life.

Congratulations  Laura!

For more information on this series and the 50over50 project, please visit https://www.villamontarti.com/50-over-50


Time Bombs & Tapestries


VMP Covergirl ~ Jill Bortz